Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday, July 24 - Ally, Ashley and Austin headed for home this morning after meeting Kelly & Teresa for breakfast.

Saturday, July 23 - Today we stayed around here - out to the Lathrop State Park for awhile - Ally & Ashley walked aways and stuck their feet in the water. Austin liked that part! Kelly & Teresa got into town about 5:15 and after eating with them at the restaurant at Sammies where they are staying, (and leaving Austin with them) Ashley, Ally & I went to the Melodrama at the La Veta Center for the Performing Arts. - a converted church/theatre! a unique, interesting, and very entertaining evening topped off by a "bear viewing" in the motel parking lot! It ran across the lot just as we were driving in, then hung around awhile to peer from behind a tree at the humans who had come outside to peer at it!

Friday, July 22 - we traveled in the direction of Colorado Springs, did several of the Royal Gorge activities - across then down into the Gorge. It got pretty hot there, especially standing in line for the incline rail. Austin was a trooper - most of the time riding on his mother's back (or front)! To Garden of the Gods after that before returning to La Veta.

Thurs., July 21 - We went to Cuchara for lunch at the "Dog Bar", then on to Trinidad and the Super Walmart store VIA the "Highway of Legends".

Wed., July 20 - Ally & Ashle (& Austin) had a few problems getting here, but finally arrived about 1:00 am. First was the heavy rain (Lamar, I think), then after leaving La Juanta on that long lonely stretch of road called Hwy 10, they (mistakenly) took a detour which added about an hour to their trip - did arrive safely though and I was very glad to see them!

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