Thursday, June 28 - To Cuchara for lunch at the dog bar, where Colleen found a cute T-shirt, back to La Veta to pick up her stuff and then to Walsenburg where we had plenty of time to look in a couple of shops there. One was the consignment shop where we found the lady from Kansas that we (T,K,&I) had talked to before. On down to Trinidad in plenty of time for the train which was supposed to arrive at 5:55. After the usual driving around to find the depot - which is not really a depot at all only an area alongside the track where you board, and which is Well Hidden under I-25 - finally located it, parked with about an hour to spare and then found out the train would be an hour and a half late! Due now at 7:30!! OMG - So - killed 2 1/2 hours, train finally arrived, Colleen got on, and I got back to LV just before dark! I guess you could say everything turned out all right after all - with a few hiccups!!
Wednesday, June 27 - Up early and after eating some delicious waffles prepared by Marilyn, we (drove to San Luis - only an hour or so away - with the intention of walking the Stations of the Cross there. Only went part way though - sun too hot, no water, no hats - generally not prepared, so decided to save that for another day and found a nice little restaurant for lunch. Colleen & I then headed on toward La Veta, but decided to detour back down to Taos to see the Pueblo, which we had missed. Got there around 2, found the Taos Pueblo about 2:30 and guess what - CLOSED! So headed back up to Hwy 160, ate at the ALL GON cafe in Ft. Garland, and came "home" to La Veta.
Tuesday, June 26 - On to Chimayo, spent 3+ hours there, then to Taos, and after calling to make sure our "reservations" were still secured, drove on to D&M's place west of Antonito. Spent the night there with D&M, and Karen - nice visit with them, and we really appreciated their hospitality.
Monday, June 25 - Very good breakfast at the hotel, spent the day walking around, looking at the famous places in Santa Fe - The Plaza, Loretta Chapel, Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Monks Corner, and others. Later drove on out (15 miles) to the Cities of Gold Casino/Hotel where we had reservations, checked in and then drove back into Santa Fe to attend Mass at the Cathedral and look around a little more.
Sunday, June 24 - Colleen is coming on the train, and sick dog or not, I have to pick her up, so headed for Trinidad, met the train, then we started toward Santa Fe, NM. By this time, I was very worried about Katy, and had decided to try to find a Vet to look at her in Santa Fe. On the way (with the help of Google) I found an Emergency Veterinary Clinic in Santa Fe pretty close to the Highway we'd be coming in on. It took us awhile to find it, but we finally did, and were really happy with the place. We were there for about 2 1/2 hours, and it cost me $114, but worth every penny! They gave her an anti-nausea injection, fluid IV under the skin, and a prescription for antibiotic.
I had made reservations at the Old Santa Fe Inn - a couple of blocks from the Loretta Chapel. Got checked in there around 4:30, and went to look around, but everything was closed, so found a place to eat, then back to the hotel and to bed early.
Friday, June 22 - Pretty busy today getting ready to be gone a few days. Will pick Colleen up in Trinidad at the Amtrak "Depot" about 10:00 a.m. About bedtime this eve., Katy suddenly started throwing up and kept it up. I had to clean up several messes - finally just went to bed. When I got up Sat. morning, there were several more places where she had thrown up - mostly on the linoleum, thank goodness, but she was one very sick puppy! I didn't know what to do about it, and by the time I decided it would be a good idea to call our Vet., it was too late. No Vets available Sat. afternoon. Called a couple of places here in this area, but no luck. Maybe she'll get over it by herself, but she just lays not eating, not drinking much - not herself at all - obviously sick!
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