Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday morning we headed for Cripple Creek about 10:00. We would have gone sooner, but had to wait until "Charlie's" opened to get ice cream before leaving! Charlie's is a small local grocery store and ice cream parlor.  There are benches outside and they are usually occupied by ice cream eating people. We also planned to visit the "Bishop's Castle" - a strange and unusual castle built by a strange and unusual man named Bishop. After several hours of wandering and not finding the castle, we gave up and went on to Cripple Creek.  Had reserved a room at the "Cripple Creek Motel" - the only motel in town that accepts dogs - and as Sydney expressed it in a Facebook entry: it was a "piece of poop motel"! Stayed overnight and (of course) enjoyed an evening of gambling. Back to La Veta on Tues., and a quiet evening at "home" - except for a short picture taking trip into the country, both directions from town.  Wednesday, Kerry, Tracey, John & Sydney started the trip home about 8:30.  Very quiet after they all left, and I spent the day doing laundry and getting ready for my next visitors - Ally, Ashley, and Austin.  They are on the way - called from Holly, Colo., where they had stopped to wait for a rain storm to pass, and should be here sometime after midnight. Hopefully not too much after!

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