Friday, August 31, 2012

My last time this summer - sitting here in the early morning peacefulness drinking coffee, checking my email, bank balance, etc. with my little electric heater blowing warmly on my feet and legs.  Ahhhhhhh!  Almost packed and ready to go - just the last minute things to do. (and there are quite a few of them).  It's been a lovely summer - the beautiful place, nice friendly people, mild weather, and the thing that makes it all even more wonderful - my company! I've had such a good time with all 5 of my kids, plus grandkids, and even extended family coming to visit me here.  I am blessed to be able to do this, and doubly blessed with friends and family. Thank you, God!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Packing up!

It's tuesday and I'm really getting serious about this sorting and packing! Many decisions.....and stressful!!  I'm getting anxious to get home now too!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Didn't get to Mass here in La Veta last night because of the Covered Dish Supper, so decided to drive down to Trinidad, go to Mass there and then to Walmart. After Mass, I went to the "Wonderful House" chinese food and ate. We had eaten there the other day on Ladies Day Out, and it's really the only restaurant in Trinidad I know anything about - besides - the food is really good!  Poured down rain while I was in Walmart, but had let up by the time I was ready to go, so made it home by about 4:30, and everything went OK.  Two new neighbors were moving in when I got back.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gertrude, Patti and I walked downtown this morning, and there was a covered dish dinner over at the clubhouse this eve - I took sliced tomatoes I had bought at the little farmers market downtown.  In between I worked on getting ready to leave.  Visited with Max and Jacquie for a little while. They're nice people!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today was "Ladies Day Out" - 14 of us drove down to Trinidad, rode on the little tour bus, and at at the "Wonderful House" - Chinese Food.  Fun - good food!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What a good day I've had! Started off with 2 walks - one with Katie (pulling on the leash), then brought her home and did my usual walk to Christ the King and back. Never have figured out exactly how far that is, but probably close to a mile and a half.  Jacquie and a couple of other gals were sitting out by their camper when I got back, and wanted me to join them, so after taking a shower, I did.  Visited with them for quite awhile, then before I could get back to my camper, the gal next door - Patti by name - started talking to me and invited me to join her, so I did and - made a new friend! Later went to "happy hour" - had a good time visiting there. Finally starting to feel really at home here - yeah, just when it's about time to leave. An hour or so after I got home from there, Trudy and Al Stucky came by and stopped to visit.  They are native Hutchonians, transplanted to Texas and he grew up over around Halstead and Moundridge, so lots to talk about.  Tomorrow planning a Girls Day Out - down to Trinidad.  I think it will be fun.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Thought about the dog incident for awhile and finally decided to tell Tom about it.  He was upset enough to call the sheriff - later he came and questioned me about it. He will go talk to the people, but that's probably all that will happen.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Company headed for home and I had a quiet day except for one little incident with a neighborhood dog. I was walking Katy on over here on 2nd St. - walking toward Main St. - 2 dogs came running out barking as I passed this junky looking house with a junky camper in the front yard. I yelled at them and the bigger one turned back, but the smaller one attacked Katy, snapping and snarling. I was yelling and kicking at the dog, which caused me to fall down. About that time, the lady of the house came running and grabbed the dog and I just hurried to get away from there!  Scraped up my arm a little bit, but mostly REALLY PISSED ME OFF! I was so mad! When I got back to my RV, Max & Jackque were outside and I was really letting off steam, cussing, and carrying on! 
Later calmed down enough to go to happy hour. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

To San Luis to see the Stations of the Cross, stopped and at lunch at the Al Gon Cafe in Ft. Garland, then back to LV. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Met Judy and Dan, Pat and Carl in Dodge City and drove on back to La Veta.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lunch with Kerry, drove to Dodge City mid afternoon and stayed in the Motel 6 (or Super 8?)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Took Sarah to catch her plane early this morning. Back to the motel, gathered up all our stuff, then to the casino for awhile.  Headed for home about 4:30.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Got all my clothes washed and dried, then Tracey & I took Sarah to OK City Tues eve. Stayed in a motel and went to the casino for a couple of hours.

Monday, August 13, 2012

At home in Hutchinson, KS! Visited with Sarah, went to Sweet Adelines Mon eve.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The company headed for home this morning early, and I drove along with them! Actually, Scott drove and Brandy & I rode along. Kelly & Kris were in his car.  Uneventful trip, Sarah had sloppy joes ready when we got there, Colleen was there too.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Communicated with Marilyn several times in last few days and found out she would be arriving at their "ranch" on Saturday around noon - so - coordinated our schedule and arrived their about an hour before she did.  Fun day - after spending some time looking around the ranch, Scott, Kelly, Brandy and Kris went fishing in the river. Didn't catch anything, but said it was fun. I had taken 2 lbs of bacon and some tomatoes along, so had BLTs for supper, then headed back to La Veta.  Scott and Kelly spent Fri and Sat night at the Rio Cucharas Inn and the girls slept here in my RV.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Today we drove down Highway 12 - The Highway of Legends - to Trinidad. On Hwy 25 down past Raton, then took Hwy ??  across to Taos.  Stopped their for awhile, ate lunch and looked around in the shops, then home by way of San Luis, Ft. Garland and Hwy 160. Another fun day!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Up early and headed for Alamosa, the Sand Dunes, Zapata Falls, and the Gator Farm. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Scott, Kelly, Brandy and Kristy arrived about 5:30.  Went to the La Veta Loco to eat, visited and listened to Kelly play the guitar for awhile, then they went to their rooms at Sammy's Motel.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Drove to Walsenburg (again) this morning to get my hair cut at Maria's Hair Salon - A walk-in shop recommended by one of the gals here.  She was very nice and friendly and did a good job - even told me she knows the perfect "older gentleman" for me - a customer of hers! Too bad there's no way for me to meet him!  This afternoon we played Pokeno in the game room. Not really crazy about the game, but it's a way to get acquainted and be friendly.  8 gals played. Later was visiting with Viola and Doyle next door - it was around 6:30, and he went in and fried some flour tortillas to eat with butter and syrup and insisted that I stay and eat.  Very good - another idea of something to cook for myself.