Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The bears are becoming commonplace around here! The 2 cubs wander thru the campground daily, sometimes several times a day, and the mama bear can usually be seen a short distance away. There was an incident a couple of days ago where a mother bear upset a big dumpster on top of one of her cubs, killing it! That happened at Lucy's Campground on the other side of town, and when the news spread to the folks here, everyone was worried that it might have been one of "our" cubs - not the case though as they were seen here yesterday. I went to Walsenburg today and did a little grocery shopping, then came home and spent most of the rest of the day reading a book. Went later to say good bye to Maryanne & Bob, leaving in the morning, took Katy along - she really likes their little pooch - who, by the way, is allowed outside all the time and just stays near their camper! :)
Monday, August 29, 2011
This morning I was invited to go with campground friends, Agnes & Don to see the Stations of the Cross at San Luis:
A short forty-five minute drive southeast of Alamosa will lead you to the town of San Luis, where The Stations of the Cross are beautifully depicted in a series of life sized bronze sculptures placed along a comfortable three-quarter mile trail that climbs a short distance up a small mesa.(Ha! at 9000 ft. altitude it seems like a pretty long distance!)
We succeeded in hiking to the top where there is a small chapel. The bronze sculptures, the chapel, and the scene from the top, looking down on San Luis Valley were all very beautiful! Here is a picture of one of the sculptures. On the way back, we stopped in Ft. Garland and ate (again) at the All Gon Cafe, and it was (again) very good! Spent a quiet afternoon - small shower, Happy Hour (actually Happy 30 minutes, because of another shower), and prepared to spend a quiet evening reading my book.
About 6:30, I was sitting outside right beside the camper reading and Katy was tied close by. I heard a small rustling sound and glanced up, thinking someone was walking thru the area between my camper and the next and whadaya think it was? Two small bears - not more than about 10 feet away! They were just strolling by, heading towards Katy, and she was so excited to have someone to play with, she was running towards them! I don't think they were anything but curious, but it scared the c___ out of me and I jumped up and probably yelled. That scared the bears and they started to run, but one decided to take refuge in the tree a few feet away. The other one then came back to get his/her brother/sister and evidently "talked him down", because after a few minutes the tree climber came down and they both left - at least they left my front yard! I happened to have my phone/camera in my pocket, so got some good pictures!
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Went to lunch today at Ft Garland, CO at the All Gon cafe. It was decided by some of the (high seniority
) people here in the park, that it would be nice if - in lieu of a covered dish supper (too much work for a few people) - everyone went out to eat together as a kind of a going away party. It's that time of year when the summer RV'ers start leaving, going to their winter camping places, or in some cases, going home, so a lot of friendships are put on hold until they meet here again next year. Approx. 40 of us trekked to Ft. Garland (pop. 300+) - on Hwy. 160, about 45 min. away in the direction of Alamosa, and the All Gon Cafe (yes, it really is spelled like that!) there has a reputation in this area as a really good eating place. I had an enchillada plate and it was delicious!
Went to Happy Hour at 4:00, then to Mass at 6. It was raining when I came out of church at about 7, and is still raining now at almost 9:00 - the most rain since I've been here!
Went to Happy Hour at 4:00, then to Mass at 6. It was raining when I came out of church at about 7, and is still raining now at almost 9:00 - the most rain since I've been here!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Yet another quiet day! I did go to "Happy Hour" - One topic of conversation was the earthquake down by Trinidad (50-60 miles away), the the biggest shock was, according to internet news, around midnight, and although it could be felt as far north as Denver (and some people here said they felt it), I was sound asleep and didn't feel a thing. Another topic was the bears which were wandering around here in the park a couple of days ago - one lady had pictures her husband had taken pretty darned close up - I didn't see them either! New neighbors on both sides, one couple from Chanute, KS traveling with a cat and a parrot. The cat had a collar and leash on, the parrot was just sitting on the picnic table quietly - until it was put inside, then it screamed and hollered for awhile. Don't think I want one of those!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Cool, calm & peaceful day. Took Katy for a walk this morning and visited with some of the neighbors that were sitting outside........It showered a couple of times, but not for long............drove over to Walsenburg to meet the gal that had given the weaving workshop, and pick up my loom, quick stop at Dollar General, then home......a couple of phone calls - one from Tracey, and the other from friend, Kathy.........that's about it!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A lot of campers moved out today. They had all arrived the first of the week - A Good Sams Club, somebody said - so I woke up to the sound of big motors, and tires on the gravel. Decided to get over to the laundry room early and snag a couple of washers. I have put off changing the sheets as long as I decently can! Putting sheets on the bed is one of the few things I really dislike about living in such small quarters! You pretty much have to climb up on the bed to do it, and it's real hard to put a fitted sheet on when you're lying across the bed! Anyway - about the time I got that all taken care of, my friend and mentor, RG came by to return my dish, and we got into a conversation about the water in the battery, which it seems I have been putting way too much water in - long story short - I got a lesson in "RV battery care", and now my battery terminals are squeaky clean, because they have been properly cleaned with baking soda solution, and I am a battery terminal cleaning expert! :) I think I've been adopted as an "elder in need of care" by an even older elder!
To 6:00 Mass at the church here in La Veta.
To 6:00 Mass at the church here in La Veta.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I started working on the Sweet Adelines show program this morning early - sending letters to my advertisers that I normally would go see. Around 9:30, RG showed up (RV park rule/custom: If you're available to people, you leave your outside door open and they can just holler at you inside - if your door is closed, they may or may not knock - they may just figure you're busy taking a nap, or whatever and go on). He hollered in my open door and told me he reckoned it would be a good day for him to finish the repairs on the under side of my camper where the water had weighted the sheeting stuff down and forced it's way out onto the ground, thereby leaving an opening that needed to be closed up. I can't describe the problem or the solution here, but he got it fixed, (with a little bit of help from me) then proceeded to instruct me on how to adjust the awning so it would go up and down easier, and we did that, and it does! He has told me, in no uncertain terms, that he will not accept any pay for his work, but I had cooked a roast with potatoes and carrots yesterday and had far more left over than I could eat, so when I fixed a dish of that for him to take home, he accepted it. He's a nice old man - 82 years old, and takes a lot of pride in being able to fix things for people. I walked down to his camper to help carry his tools home, and met his wife. She told me she had talked to my Grandaughter - Yep! Sydney was here! :)
Went to Happy Hour over under the trees from 4-5, then was invited to share in some home made ice cream at the neighbors - 3rd camper down, after that. Mary Ann came by and invited me around 6:00 - a very enjoyable evening - a small group of 9 people sitting under their awning, eating ice cream and talking. I patted myself on the back for remembering to take my lawn chair - another RV park custom/rule: If you're invited to someone's "house", you always take a lawn chair, because (a) no one has any extra seating and (b) you will always be sitting outside. It was a beautiful evening - temp about 72 with light breeze.
Another nice day...........
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One lady I sat beside at the Spinning & Weaving Workshop was telling all about her hobby - She belongs to the "Society for Creative Anachronism ", and was working on some trim for her costume! What's that, you say? Well I came home and Googled it, and here's what it said:
The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our "Known World" consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Participants, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our "royalty" hold courts at which they recognize and honor members for their contributions to the group.
Think I'll pass on that one!
After my nap, I took my chair and joined the group over by the creek, under the trees. Nice day!
Monday, August 15, 2011
About my flooded camper - It's still wet, but getting dryer. I soaked up as much water as I could with towels, etc., then borrowed a shop vac. and sucked water out of the carpet. Didn't have much on the floor to get wet, but had a big pile of throw rugs, towels, chair throws, etc., which I took to the laundromat. Keeping a fan running all the time, and everything opened up to let the air thru as much as possible. Yesterday, Harris & Kit - neighbors on the south side and the ones that had noticed the water running out and had shut it off - came over. He had been looking underneath, and saw some bulges in the undercover sheeting (not the right name, but I don't know what it's called) where water had apparently gathered on top of it and was pushing it down. He had several ideas about what to do about it, but no time to help me, as they were pulling out this morning - SO - this morning, by about 9:00am, I was under the camper, punching holes to drain the water. I had some success, but had no idea what to do next, when another "old guy" came along and saw my feet sticking out :) and offered to help! He showed up at exactly the right time - right when I was about to the end of my rope, trying to figure out what to do. After 2-3 hours of effort - R.G.(I have no idea what his name is. He told me a big long story about it - says it stands for "Real Good") & I poked more holes and put some braces to push up on the bulges. Tom (the park owner) came by and offered to loan me a shop vac, which we fixed so it blows air into the space where the water is, and I have been keeping it going most of the afternoon. The inside of the camper is getting pretty well dried out, and I hope after a couple of days of letting it drain, and blowing it out with the shop vac, the underneath will be OK. It's a very good thing this didn't happen while I had company, as there would have been MUCH more stuff on the floor to get wet!
I have signed up for a spinning/weaving workshop at the library in Walsenburg that is tomorrow and wednesday from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm, so I will be doing that for the next 2 days.
The cause of all this was a small hose that supplies water to the toilet stool came "unconnected"! I put it back on myself and tightened the clamp holding it, but will be keeping an eye on it for quite awhile - that's for sure!
I have signed up for a spinning/weaving workshop at the library in Walsenburg that is tomorrow and wednesday from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm, so I will be doing that for the next 2 days.
The cause of all this was a small hose that supplies water to the toilet stool came "unconnected"! I put it back on myself and tightened the clamp holding it, but will be keeping an eye on it for quite awhile - that's for sure!
Friday, August 12, 2011
The "Big Flood"!
Bear tracks! |
Oh my goodness, what a day! We got John & Sydney's stuff all packed in the car and were ready to leave for Raton, NM when the guy next door stopped us very excitedly to tell us about the bear incident over at "Sammies" Motel last night. The bear (or bear-s) got into the grease barrel beside the restaurant and had a feast on grease, and there were tracks everywhere. Of course J & S wanted to go see about that so we did and here's the proof - in case you can't tell, those are bear tracks! We arrived in Raton about Noon, found the McDonalds and ate, then located the Depot and picked up their tickets. Hmmmmm - Now what? - the train doesn't leave till 5:00! So we "whiled away" the afternoon at the park....the library.....back to McDonalds.....back to the park......back to the Depot...found out the train was late, so sat around there until - Finally! - it arrived - 1hr and 30 min. late! We shared the depot and the wait with about a hundred boy scouts just returned from 10 days of camping and backpacking in the wilds of New Mexico. Got the kids (and the boyscouts) on the train headed for Kansas and me headed for La Veta at about 6:30 pm. I had planned to stop at the Walmart in Trinidad, missed the exit, stopped at the rest stop, backtracked to Walmart, got a few things, and headed for home. Shouldna' stopped, because by the time I got to Walsenburg, it was getting very dark, and that meant I had to navigate 11 miles of curvy road (plus 5 miles of VERY curvy road) to get home in the VERY DARK DARK! Poor planning on my part, but I made it and was giving myself a pat on the back as I carried my groceries in, when I saw the note on my door! It said "Your water is turned off because there is a major water leak. I suggest you leave it off." It didn't take long to figure out what the problem was, the hose supplying water to the stool had come lose and flooded my camper! I spent the next couple of hours pulling sopping wet throw rugs outside and soaking up water with towels. Got it partly cleaned up, carpet is soaking wet, but I'll tackle that problem tomorrow! I'm going to bed!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
We went to Cuchara today so John & Sydney could eat one last time at the Dog Bar and tomorrow we will head down I-25 to Raton, New Mexico where they will board the Amtrak train and be on their way to Hutchinson, Kansas! The train doesn't leave until around 5:00 pm, but we will go early enough to get something to eat in Raton, and be at the Depot plenty early. I think they're kind of excited about the train ride - I would be! :) Needless to say, I'm a little sad to see them go. Guess I'll have some quiet time now - maybe will get to some of the painting and other projects I had planned for this summer!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Rode the Library bicycles this morning - Sydney & I did! It's probably been about 10 years since the last time I rode one, & I was a little shaky at first, but it must be true that riding a bike is a skill you never lose, because I was able to do it! J & S washed their clothes, in preparation for packing to ride the train home. Tomorrow, they would like to go to the Dog Bar in Cuchara for lunch one last time so we'll probably do that! I signed up for a weaving class in Walsenburg next week - 2 full days! I'm looking forward to it!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
You owe it to yourself to see this castle first-hand in your lifetime! Bishop's Castle was built by one man over the course of 42 years and he is still working on building more! It has 3 tall towers (all of which you can climb stairs to the top and look out), a magnificently huge glass ballroom, a fire-breathing dragon, a bell that you can ring, flying buttresses, stained glass windows and a mind-blowing amount of iron and stonework. As I said, do yourself a favor and go out of your way to see one of the last truly free, hand-built wonders of America.
He is there most days visiting with the visitors! He is somewhat of a political radical, and loves an audience, so I was told to be careful about talking to him! There is much, much more to the structure than you can see in these pictures.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Went out to Jim & Peggy Hoobler's place today, to check it out, in case I decide to take him up on the offer to park my camper there, then picked up my mail at the Post Office, and paid my rent - to Sept. 7. Afterwards, John & Syd went bicycle riding. The library has 4 bicycles that may be checked out to ride - just like checking out books! They are not, however, classy 10 speeds or anything like that. They are big old fashioned bikes - no hand brakes, or fancy handlebars or seats - not like anything J or S had ever seen, let alone been on. They rode them around town for an hour or so, though, and afterwards, said it was "kinda fun"!\ This eve we went & ate spaghetti at Sammie's (benefit dinner), but didn't stay for the auction - too crowded and noisy to be fun! Tomorrow - The Castle! Talked to Kerry - guess I'll be sending J & S home on Amtrak, Sat. afternoon, from Raton, New Mexico - about an hour from here. They will get into Hutch. around 2:00 AM. :(
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The sign says "His Ranch" - makes you wonder, doesn't it! |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Not much to write about except the weather - It got hot today! Here! Well, not 103 degrees hot like it did in Hutchinson, KS and some other places, but acording to the weather app on my phone, it was 89, and to me, that's hot! So didn't do much but stay inside with the AC on. J & S walked down to Charlie's to get ice cream. One good thing about this town - you can walk to anyplace in it. Planning a trip to Alamosa tomorrow, to Mass and to a Mexican Buffet Restaurant that I'm very sure John & Syd are going to like! Teresa & Kelly, you know what I'm talkin' about!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Not much going on here today. John & Sydney may be thinking they should have stayed in Kansas! We did drive over to Walsenburg and do a little shopping for paper plates, and other exciting things, The campground is completely full tonight, and I counted 4 extras - campers parked in places that aren't really places, waiting for some one to vacate tomorrow morning. The people on the north side of me are leaving - going back to Garden City, so that means we'll have new neighbors on that side. The couple on the other side are "fulltimers" - spending the summer in one place (here in La Veta for the last 4-5 years), then moving to a warmer climate for the winter. A lot of the campers in the park are retirees - 60+ - but many are younger folks on vacation. There is one choice area along the river which is almost entirely populated by retirees who have come to spend the whole summer here, and will be back to do the same next year.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Today mostly spent driving. After spending the night in the Super 8 in Dodge City (and yes, doing a little gambling!), John, Sydney, and I headed for Colorado about 10 a.m. Stopped several times - once at "Jack & Wanda's Tasty House" cafe in Holly, Colorado to eat lunch. Had a nice visit with Jack, the owner/waiter, a sweet and friendly little man - kinda reminescent of Dad/Grandpa, Wanda was going around picking up stuff. (Sydney says). It was a long day, and we're all 3 tired but John drove part of the way, and that helped me a lot!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
For all you who think Katy is sweet, but not very smart (I hate to admit it, but I include myself in this group) - listen to this! She was begging at the door, so I opened it and went down the steps. I turned around to take her out and just at that moment, she literally leaped out of the camper and landed on the ground (splat!), picked herself up and took out running toward the dog run area of the campground. I quickly got my shoes on, grabbed the treats, and ran after her, and - guess what - by the time I got there, she was busy doing her business! Maybe she's "seen the light"!! :o
Quite a rain/storm this afternoon, and I saw it coming as we came down Hwy 12 on the way back from Walsenburg. There were some very black clouds hanging over La Veta!
Ate at Sammies this eve - their BLT is really good! Realized my car is badly in need of an oil change - located a couple of places in Pueblo where I can get it done - my plan is to leave by 7:30 or so, and get the oil changed there, then on to Dodge City to meet Kerry & Tracey and bring John & Sydney back with me.
Quite a rain/storm this afternoon, and I saw it coming as we came down Hwy 12 on the way back from Walsenburg. There were some very black clouds hanging over La Veta!
Ate at Sammies this eve - their BLT is really good! Realized my car is badly in need of an oil change - located a couple of places in Pueblo where I can get it done - my plan is to leave by 7:30 or so, and get the oil changed there, then on to Dodge City to meet Kerry & Tracey and bring John & Sydney back with me.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Went to pick up my mail at the Post Office shortly after noon, then to "Charlie's Groceries and Ice Cream" store to get milk. Just couldn't make it past the ice cream counter without stopping to buy a "single dip of praline-pecan ice cream in a waffle cone" - Mmmmmmm! Later went to what I call "Happy Hour" - a gathering under the trees by the creek (well, it would be a creek if it had any water in it - right now it's just a "slough" full of rocks!). This happens every afternoon at 4:00 - everyone takes lawn chairs and drinks and the women form one large circle with their chairs, the men form their own circle, and a whole lotta visitin' goes on! A good way for everyone to get acquainted, & I have met most of the women in the park this way - don't remember very many of their names, but I've met them! :) I walked over by the office to take this picture - near sundown.
The view from here (actually from over by the office) |
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